Sunday, November 7, 2010

Richly Scented Candles or Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy has been used since ancient times in order to stimulate our sense of smell and create a relaxing mood. This has been evident in the rich oils or perfumes used by people then and only the rich or powerful could afford to use these scented oils.
These days however, people can now use richly scented candles to create a relaxing ambience in their homes or other places such as spas in order to relieve them from the stresses of daily life.
A person can choose from flower scents to fruits scents when choosing scented candles. The candles’ color can give an idea as to what scent it may have. There are some flower scented candles that are handmade and have potpourri flowers set in them as a design.
Not only do these dried flowers give a beautiful design to the candle, they also add on to the rich scent of the candle wax. You may have to remove the dried flowers as the candle burns down though in order not to burn the dried flowers. The candles’ scent is emitted as the candle burns and because the scent is infused in the wax, even if it is stored for a long time when the candles are used they still give off the rich scent.
Scented candles can also set the mood or ambience when one needs to do meditation or yoga exercises. As our sense of smell get stimulated by the rich scents, our body relaxes more. Having scented candles also creates an air of sophistication in a house or room.
Spas also make use of scented candles so that when patrons come in for a session, they are able to relax more. The scents of these richly scented candles can help as our body rids itself of all the stresses during the spa sessions.
When people want to use scented candles in their bedrooms in order to help them relax and fall to sleep, it is highly recommended to place the candles in glass or ceramic plates or candle holders in order to avoid any untoward accidents. Also make sure that the candles are placed securely and far from drapes or curtains. Make sure also that the candles are placed in an area where it will not topple or fall.
Whether it’s to soothe away our tension or to create a relaxed atmosphere, richly scented candles are great choices to use for aromatherapy.

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